Private Mole Check in London | City Dermatology Clinic (2025)

Can you go to a GP for a mole check?

Yes, you can visit a GP for a mole check, and they will assess your mole to determine if it requires further investigation. However, GPs typically have limited time and resources for detailed mole examinations, and you may be referred to a specialist if the mole looks concerning. At City Dermatology Clinic, our expert dermatologists provide comprehensive mole assessments during your initial visit, utilising advanced tools like dermoscopy and mole mapping for precise and immediate evaluation, giving you peace of mind without delays.

Can a dermatologist tell if a mole is cancerous just by looking at it?

Dermatologists are highly skilled at identifying suspicious moles through visual inspection, especially when using a dermatoscope, a specialised magnifying tool. While they can often spot warning signs of skin cancer, a definitive diagnosis requires further testing, such as a biopsy. At City Dermatology Clinic, we combine expert analysis with advanced diagnostic tools to ensure every mole is assessed with precision. If needed, we offer mole removal and histopathological analysis to confirm the diagnosis.

Is melanoma raised or flat?

Melanoma can be either raised or flat, depending on its stage and type. Early melanomas often appear as flat or slightly raised lesions with irregular edges and uneven colouring. As they progress, they may become raised or nodular. At City Dermatology Clinic, we recommend booking a mole check if you notice any unusual changes in size, shape, or texture, whether the mole is flat or raised, to ensure timely evaluation.

How do you check your own moles?

To check your moles, use the ABCDE rule:

  • A – Asymmetry: One half doesn’t match the other.
  • B – Border: Irregular or poorly defined edges.
  • C – Colour: Uneven or multiple colours.
  • D – Diameter: Larger than 6mm.
  • E – Evolving: Changes in size, shape, or colour.

Check your entire body, including hard-to-see areas like your back, scalp, and between toes. Use a mirror or ask someone to assist. While self-checks are valuable, they’re not a substitute for professional mole checks. At City Dermatology Clinic, our dermatologists use advanced imaging and expertise to thoroughly assess your skin.

What does melanoma stage 1 look like?

Stage 1 melanoma typically appears as a small lesion, often less than 1mm thick, that may be flat or slightly raised. It might have irregular borders and uneven colouring, with shades of brown, black, or tan. At this stage, melanoma has not spread to lymph nodes or other areas, making early detection crucial for effective treatment. If you notice any changes in a mole, booking a mole check at City Dermatology Clinic can provide you with an expert evaluation and peace of mind.

Is melanoma curable?

Yes, melanoma is highly curable when detected early. Stage 1 melanoma, in particular, has a five-year survival rate of over 99% (Cancer Research UK). Early detection and prompt treatment, such as surgical removal, can prevent the cancer from spreading. At City Dermatology Clinic, we specialise in early detection and treatment of melanoma, offering expert mole checks and removal procedures to ensure you receive the best care possible.

How much is mole mapping in the UK?

The cost of mole mapping in the UK typically ranges from £200 to £400, depending on the clinic and the level of service provided. At City Dermatology Clinic, we are proud to offer competitive pricing for mole mapping, starting from just £245. Our advanced technology and experienced dermatologists ensure you receive the highest quality care at an affordable rate.

Do cancerous moles hurt when touched?

Not all cancerous moles cause pain, but some may feel tender, itchy, or even bleed when touched. These symptoms are not always present, so it’s important to have any suspicious mole checked, even if it’s painless. At City Dermatology Clinic, our dermatologists assess all types of moles, whether they are symptomatic or not, to ensure nothing is overlooked.

Is it OK to squeeze a mole?

No, it’s not advisable to squeeze a mole. Moles are composed of skin cells and blood vessels, and squeezing them could cause irritation, bleeding, or even infection. If you’re concerned about a mole or its appearance, it’s better to have it assessed by a dermatologist. At City Dermatology Clinic, we offer professional mole checks and, if necessary, safe and precise mole removal procedures to address your concerns.

Private Mole Check in London | City Dermatology Clinic (2025)
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